Newsroom | Robatech Adhesive Application Systems

25 years of partnership: A success story

Written by Medea Schnyder, Marketing Copywriter | 16. August 2024

Robert Kaminski, Key Account Manager at Robatech Germany (left), and Martin Hammerschmid, Managing Director of Gernep (right). Image: Robatech GmbH

Mr. Hammerschmid, you are the Managing Director of Gernep. In short, what does Gernep do?

Martin Hammerschmid: Gernep has been an established manufacturer of labeling machines for almost 40 years. Our machines label a wide variety of products in rigid containers in the beverage, food and cosmetics industry, on through to pharmaceutical products. We serve small customers as well as global players worldwide. The business was designed for export right from the start. One of our founders always said: “Wherever you can go on vacation, you can also sell machines.” And you can go on vacation everywhere (laughs). 

In addition to wet-glue labeling machines and self-adhesive labeling, you have also been manufacturing hot-melt labeling machines since the year 2000. Robatech was on board right from the start. How did this come about? 

Martin Hammerschmid: Exactly. That was back in the early days of the whole PET industry. We had carried out trials for PET bottles with cold glue, but the machine was then converted to hot melt. That was our first project with Robatech, and it was an immediate success story. This machine was in use for 20 years. 

Initial gluing with SX Longlife spray head. Image: Gernep

Robatech LabelStar M labeling system with SX Longlife spray heads? 

Martin Hammerschmid: That was shortly before I joined Gernep myself. Robatech was already known to the founders of Gernep from previous activities. They had had good experiences with them and were convinced by their solutions, especially because Gernep had opted for a closed application system right from the start. Robatech offered such closed adhesive application systems and was also flexible enough to customize their systems according to our wishes. 

We worked in partnership with Robatech from the very beginning; it was never just a customer-supplier relationship. The founders and owners of Gernep and Robatech also got on very well personally and liked to have a beer or two together (laughs). The result was a collaboration that was not only based on business, but also on friendship.

What are the requirements for hot melt application in labeling?

Robert Kaminski: On my first visit to Gernep, I was accompanied by our system specialist. Labeling machines are high-tech and require a lot of experience. The adhesive application system must be set very precisely so that the adhesive is applied in the right place even at high speeds. Otherwise, the system gets dirty very quickly. On this first visit, my supervisor said to me: “You are allowed to look, but don’t touch anything.” (laughs).

Martin Hammerschmid: As already mentioned, we have used closed systems right from the start. This means that we do not have a glue roller, but instead we apply the adhesive with application heads for both variants, for labeling from the magazine and for labeling from the roll. This has always worked well for us. The closed system also gives us a significant energy advantage because we don't have any large open surfaces that are heated up as with a glue roller. It also enables us to start and stop. It is undoubtedly the better system for cut labels. In short, we have specialized in closed systems – and this has been our flagship for two decades now.

Final gluing of wrap-around labels with the ETV coating head. Image: Gernep

How many machines with Robatech gluing systems do you sell every year?

Martin Hammerschmid: On average around 10 systems per year. Too few (laughs).

And they go all over the world.

Martin Hammerschmid: Yes, they go all over the world. So far, we have delivered to a total of 130 countries, including 50-60 countries that have labeling machines with Robatech systems.

How did the collaboration between Gernep and Robatech develop?

Martin Hammerschmid: We have always received good support and advice. Even during the pandemic, when the supply chains were difficult, we were always well supplied by Robatech. Robatech is one of the most reliable partners for us, I can say that with a clear conscience. Normally, I am in favor of always having two systems in-house so that we are not completely dependent on one supplier. But the Robatech system is preferred by everyone: by the technicians, those setting up the machine, the service department and the sales department – it’s simply the better system for us. The overall package fits. This means that if we are free to choose, we clearly opt for Robatech.

Robert Kaminski: On the other hand, I can also say that the technical staff at Gernep are so well trained that they no longer need our support to set up and configure our adhesive application systems. And as I mentioned, it is anything but easy to set up an adhesive application system with application control for a labeling machine. We're not used to things running so smoothly over the years. And this is particularly remarkable in labeling.

What does the collaboration look like in concrete terms?

Martin Hammerschmid: Gernep and Robatech are a team in tune with each other, in other words, it takes very little effort for everyone involved. We order, receive the products, install them and sell them. Period. It's very straightforward, without a cooperation agreement or anything like that. We still do it on a handshake basis. We know each other and we know that we can rely on each other's word. Trust is the most important thing in a collaboration. And that was there right from the start.

Where does this trust come from?

Martin Hammerschmid: This trust is based on the experience we have gained together. In our 25 years of collaboration, Robatech has proven time and again that they are reliable in terms of both technology and interpersonal relationships.

Have there ever been any obstacles in the collaboration? Things that didn't go well?

Martin Hammerschmid: (reflecting) If something didn't go smoothly straight away, we sorted it out easily. We talk to each other and have been able to solve all sticking points together so far. 

Good cooperation is the basis to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Image: Gernep

How does the communication between Gernep and Robatech look like?

Martin Hammerschmid: We are in regular contact. This also applies to trade fairs, where we meet up and look forward to being visited. Then we also just sit together and update each other, even if there's no business at the moment. Because it's important to stay in touch.

Robert Kaminski: Definitely. No visit to the trade fair without a beer at the Gernep booth (laughs). That's right, we regularly sit down together, look each other in the eye and shake hands. The implementation is then of course handled in the usual formal processes, but it is important that the procedure is discussed and that both can rely on it.

Which brings us back to trust. What else makes the collaboration special?

Martin Hammerschmid: It is also crucial that nobody has to put in a lot of effort. That is efficient. Of course, we also need a good price/performance ratio, but that can only be achieved through efficiency.

Robert Kaminski: Labeling is a special application that requires a great deal of expertise. And Gernep definitely has this, also with regard to adhesive application.

Mr. Hammerschmid, concluding, I would like to ask you: If you had one wish, what would it be?

Martin Hammerschmid: The same good cooperation for the next 25 years!

Robert Kaminski: That would be great! If things go as well as they have in the past, then it's just a pleasure to work with Gernep. 

Well then, here's to 25 more years of good cooperation! 
Many thanks for the pleasant conversation, Martin Hammerschmid and Robert Kaminski.


Gernep company building in Barbing, Germany. Image: Gernep

The company

Gernep is an international supplier of labeling machines for containers made of solid material. The company has been developing and producing in Germany since 1985. Around 100 employees work at the company site in Barbing, Bavaria. Gernep has been part of Krones AG since 2015, but largely operates independently.



«Trust is the most important thing in a collaboration. And that is based on the experiences one has had with each other. In our 25 years of working together, Robatech has proven time and again that they are reliable and deliver outstanding quality.»

Martin Hammerschmid, Managing Director of Gernep